Welcome!You have found an oasis of religious freedom,
spiritual exploration, and social justice serving the Grosse Pointes and surrounding east side communities. |
"Voices of a Liberal Faith"
Upcoming Worship ServicesFebruary 16, 2025 at 10:30AM
Hybrid Service (In-Person and Online) "But, What Do We Do?" Worship Leader: Rebecca Marocco Worship Associate: Carol Guither This past month has been full of moments of horror and exhaustion. As Unitarian Universalists we are called to stand against injustice and fear. Ok. But, what do we do? In the most UU answer ever, that is up to you. Let’s consider options, both macro and micro, and how to show up in a way that makes sense for you. The Nursery is open during Sunday Services from 10:15AM-11:30AM. We are happy to announce hearing aids are now available from Sunday ushers for any congregant to use during the service. A reminder that large print hymnals are also available! |
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Join the Postpartum Sister Circle Friday mornings from 9:30-11:30 in the “Gallery” at the Grosse Pointe Unitarian Church
Book Group Discussion
February 11, 2025 at 6PM

For February's Meeting, the group is to meet on Tuesday, February 11 at 6PM
in person and via zoom. The group will discuss James by Everett Percy.
Kathy Kuehn will lead the discussion.
The GPUC Book Discussion Group meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6PM at the church except for December when we do not meet. There is a Zoom Option upon request. Our May meeting is devoted to gathering book suggestions from our readers for the next season, with final book selections and discussion leaders chosen at the June meeting.
For more information and to receive the present reading list, please contact the GPUC Office ([email protected]). Current book group information is available in the weekly church email and in the monthly Newsletter. We are a friendly group; everyone is welcome!
in person and via zoom. The group will discuss James by Everett Percy.
Kathy Kuehn will lead the discussion.
The GPUC Book Discussion Group meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6PM at the church except for December when we do not meet. There is a Zoom Option upon request. Our May meeting is devoted to gathering book suggestions from our readers for the next season, with final book selections and discussion leaders chosen at the June meeting.
For more information and to receive the present reading list, please contact the GPUC Office ([email protected]). Current book group information is available in the weekly church email and in the monthly Newsletter. We are a friendly group; everyone is welcome!
The Resale Shop Is Open on Wednesday's
The Resale Shop Is Open Wednesday's from 10A-3P Resale Shop News - The shop is only open on Wednesdays and accepts merchandise from 9A-2P (2 small bags or boxes per person) & sale rooms are open from 10A – 3P. Come shop with us! |
Second Sunday Food Sharing takes place the Second Sunday of each month. Our donations are taken to Crossroads East on Moross, just east of I-94. This location is close to our church home and has a food pantry, clothing closet, provides job assistance, and counseling. We will be collecting non-perishables such as cereal, noodles, rice, canned fruits, veggies, soups, and sauces. If you prefer to donate monetarily, your money is used to buy items such as eggs, milk, meat, produce, and bread. Our donations are greatly appreciated and really help keep the shelves, fridge, and freezer stocked. Please consider putting a couple extra cans or boxes of food in your cart next time you're out shopping. Toiletries, such as deodorant and toothpaste are also helpful. Thank you!
Enroll now for the Kroger Community Rewards Program. Once enrolled, you'll earn rewards for Grosse Pointe Unitarian Church every time you shop and use your Plus Card! GPUC's organization number is FF794 https://www.kroger.com/account/enrollCommunityRewardsNow |